Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fads, Trends, Classics and Just Out Right Mistakes

We know what the difference is between Fads, Trends (lasting at least 2 seasons longer then the Fad), etc. But the real question is do you know one when you see it and how to avoid one when it's hard to tell the difference. The worst is when a Fad or Trend that you fell in love with only makes you feel regret (remember acid wash jeans or the big bangs of the 80's?)

Unfortunately, I can't help too much here when is comes to telling the difference. To start with, I have loved the following slogan.

I loved the above poster for a few reasons: I was a history major and art history major - I love WWII and any vintage propaganda, plus my grandmother came over from England just after the war. My last reason for loving the slogan is that I'm pretty uptight. It didn't help that I saw it all over the blogosphere and in mags, but I really did like it for other reasons other than popularity. Anyway, the slogan has totally lost it originality once I saw CB2 selling it in rug version.

So here is the lesson that I have learned: Take a fad and make it your own. I'm looking into getting a copy of this sassy propaganda poster.

It may not fit my uptight personality but maybe it will remind me to keep gossip to a minimum.

Now I just pray that this is a short lived fad - my thighs are not a fan!

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